Learn about Environmental Test Chambers Note: This calculator is still not operational. To calculate the MTBF and failure rate using the MIL-HDBK-217F failure model, enter the chip's parameters in the following table. Parameter Value Notes Microcircuit type Bipolar, Digital, 1 to 100 gatesBipolar, Digital, 101 to 1,000 gatesBipolar, Digital, 1,001 to 3,000 gatesBipolar, Digital, 3,001 to 10,000 gatesBipolar, Digital, 10,001 to 30,000 gatesBipolar, Digital, 30,001 to 60,000Bipolar, Linear, 1 to 100 transistorsBipolar, Linear, 101 to 300 transistorsBipolar, Linear, 301 to 1,000 transistorsBipolar, Linear, 1,001 to 10,000 transistorsBipolar PLA/PAL, up to 200 gatesBipolar PLA/PAL, 201 to 1,000 gatesBipolar PLA/PAL, 1,001 to 5,000 gatesMOS Digital, 1 to 100 gatesMOS, Digital, 101 to 1,000 gatesMOS, Digital, 1,001 to 3,000 gatesMOS, Digital, 3,001 to 10,000 gatesMOS, Digital, 10,001 to 30,000 gatesMOS, Digital, 30,001 to 60,000MOS, Linear, 1 to 100 transistorsMOS, Linear, 101 to 300 transistorsMOS, Linear, 301 to 1,000 transistorsMOS, Linear, 1,001 to 10,000 transistorsMOS PLA/PAL, up to 500 gatesMOS PLA/PAL, 201 to 1,000 gatesMOS PLA/PAL, 1,001 to 5,000 gatesMOS PLA/PAL, 1,001 to 5,000 gatesBipolar Microprocessor, Up to 8 bitsBipolar Microprocessor, Up to 16 bitsBipolar Microprocessor, Up to 32 bitsMOS Microprocessor, Up to 8 bitsMOS Microprocessor, Up to 16 bitsMOS Microprocessor, Up to 32 bits Package type Hermetic: DIPs w/Solder or Weld Seal, PGA, SMTDIPs w/Glass Seal, PGA, SMTFlatpacks with Axial Leads on 50 mil CentersCansNonhermetic DIPs, PGA, SMT 1. DIP: Dual In-Line Package 2. SMT: Surface Mount Technology 3. If DIP Seal type is unknown, assume glass Number of pins 3468101214161822242836406480128180224 Technology TTL, ASTTL, CML, HTTL, FTTL, DTL, ECL, ALSTTLF, LTTL, STTLBICMOS, LSTTLIII, I3L, ISLDigital MOS, VHSIC CMOSLinear (Bipolar & MOS)Memories (Bipolar & MOS), MNOS Select digital MOS for HC, HCT, AC, ACT, C and FCT technologies. Quality Class S CategoriesClass B CategoriesClass B-1 CategoriesCommercial or unknown screening levelsCustom screening If "Custom screening" selected, specify tests on the next row. Click here to learn about the categories. Custom screening Group 1Group 2Group 3 (B Level)Group 3 (S Level)Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10Group 11 Only valid if "custom screening" was selected. Click here to learn about test groups. Environment GB (Ground, Benign)GF (Ground, Fixed)GM (Ground, Mobile)NS (Naval, Sheltered)NU (Naval, Unsheltered)AIC (Airborne, Inhabited, Cargo)AIF (Airborne, Inhabited, Fighter)AUC (Airborne, Uninhabited, Cargo)AUF (Airborne, Uninhabited, Fighter)ARW (Airborne, Rotary Winged)SF (Space, Flight)MF (Missile, Flight)ML (Missile, Launch)CL (Cannon, Launch) Environment codes Years in production Number of years generic device type has been in production Temperature (°C) The calculator is still not operational